Are your offer letters to potential new hires getting accepted?

I read a report the other day (on Glassdoor) that said 1 in 6 offers of employment are declined. That's wild! Is that happening to you in your organization? Or do you have a good offer letter for a candidate to consider?

If you are getting declinations from offers, here are a few things you can do to limit this:

  1. Advertise the pay (or at least a pay band). If you are shocking the candidate with what they are going to make at the offer stage, then that's a “you” issue (sorry, tough love here).

  2. Remember, while you will be paying this person once they are hired, you are selling this role to them. Highlight the amazing opportunity you are providing. Get some hype going here.

  3. Are you using an informal email to make an offer? They will likely treat you and their job as formally or as informally as you show them you operate. I recommend at a minimum putting the offer in a word doc, then saving as a PDF to send their way.

  4. Enhance your interview process (meaning, make a little more complicated [unless it's already complicated]). If you currently have one interview with the owner or hiring manager and then an offer, you're likely not putting enough into it. I've got a process I'm happy to share if you're interested, but in short, add some steps like a questionnaire, video submission, phone screen or something else so you can learn more. Candidates are 2.6 percentage points more likely to accept a job offer if they experience an interview with a difficulty one-level higher (on a 5-point scale) based on the report I read.

I have a couple of spaces left for weekly, bi-monthly or monthly calls focused on HR and People Ops items like the one above if it's of interest. 



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1.4 in 100. Is that your magic number?