Get to know us. 

Our Story 

In the summer of 2022, our founder spent a week reading, praying, and thinking in Innsbrook, MO. [If you haven’t researched this little Midwest slice of heaven, we highly recommend you do.] While reading (Through His Eyes by Jarram Barrs), she thought about what it would mean for her to embrace her unique skills and giftings as a female business leader and start her own business. Almost immediately, the name Salt & Light came to mind. She opened up the book of Matthew and started reading to see if what she was thinking made sense. And right there within the scriptures (which many of us have read many times before) was:

13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. 14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”

It felt very fitting. Salt & Light aims to bring ‘salt’ to your business – knowledge, wisdom, experience, and truth. At the same time, we bring ‘light’ to your business and your team – hope, encouragement, energy, and new ideas for the future. Here’s to enhancing your business and the lives of your employees together.

Our Founder

Kerri M. Roberts has spent the last 20+ years of her career focused on Operational Excellence and Strategic Human Resources. She holds a BSBA with an emphasis in Marketing from Columbia College and an MBA from William Woods University (Go Owls!). Kerri was a Senior Examiner for the Missouri Quality Award and was involved with the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award program focused on process improvement and business sustainability. She is also a licensed insurance producer for Life, Health, Property & Casualty in Missouri. 

Over her career, Kerri has been recognized by or named into the following groups: Women of Excellence, Women in Power, Women Who Move the City, 20 Under 40, Hot 100, Elite Women, Athena International, and Graduate & Professional Alumni of the Year.

She brings her knowledge from industries like healthcare, distribution, mortgage, higher education, insurance, and M&A to Salt & Light Advisors and their clients. She lives on a farm in Northeast Missouri with her husband, son, and labradors.

As seen in

Our Team

Britne O’Brien  – Executive assistant

Britne O’Brien earned a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from the University of Missouri and a Master’s in Learning and Technology from Western Governors University. She has spent the last six years as an elementary educator. She also has background in bookkeeping and card services within the banking world. Britne thrives on communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and organization. She enjoys helping others find the best in themselves. Britne finds the greatest amount of joy in spending time with her husband, two daughters and their family dog, camping and boating on the river. She resides in Palmyra, Missouri.

Tara Parris – fractional CHRO

Tara is a dynamic and accomplished executive leader with a distinguished career spanning over a decade in human resources management, business strategy, and organizational leadership. With a comprehensive skill set and a proven track record of driving business growth and optimizing organizational efficiency, Tara is recognized for her strategic acumen and commitment to excellence. She has served as a trusted advisor and valuable asset to numerous industries to include, but not limited to; healthcare, security, real estate, commercial transportation and logistics, and insurance.

Tara holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Management and Human Resources from Park University and a Master of Legal Studies in Business Law and HR & Employment Law from Arizona State University. She is also actively involved in volunteer and consulting initiatives, including serving as an Advisory Board Member for Women in Leadership at Lindenwood University, Independence Fraternal Order of Police Auxiliary member, and Lee’s Summit youth sports leagues.

Residing in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, she enjoys spending time with her husband, two children, and two boxers. Whether attending sporting events with her children, indulging in all of the best that Kansas City has to offer, or traveling to new places, she cherishes creating lasting memories and meaningful connections with her family and friends.

Kayln Epperson – Marketing coordinator

Kayln is Kerri’s Marketing Coordinator for Salt & Light Advisors, Salt & Light for women and her podcast, Don’t Waste the Chaos. She works behind the scenes focused on social media, the YouTube channel, our websites, general marketing projects and helps keep the business moving forward.

Kayln has a bachelor’s in history from the University of Missouri - Rolla. She lives in Florida and is a travel and Disney enthusiast. She enjoys the outdoors, especially the beach. While she’s not focused on S&L marketing efforts, she also works in the equestrian industry and travels the country supporting top-notch teams at a horse shows.