Ensuring Fairness and Consistency in Workforce Reductions

When reducing headcount, prioritizing fairness and consistency is non-negotiable.


Any hint of bias or favoritism can expose the organization to legal risk and reputational damage. More importantly, it erodes the trust and morale of remaining employees.

We recommend this approach:

  1. Develop Clear, Objective Selection Criteria:

    • Tie these criteria to job-related factors like skills, performance, and business needs.

    • Document the rationale behind each decision to ensure transparency.

  2. Apply Criteria Consistently:

    • Apply the established criteria uniformly to all impacted roles and employees.

    • Deviating from this process invites perceptions of unfairness and bias.

  3. Partner with Legal:

    • Ensure compliance with laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination.

    • Consult with legal experts to review and validate the selection process.

By grounding these difficult decisions in equitable, transparent practices, you send a powerful message about your values and integrity as an employer. Our layoff resources can help guide you through this process with confidence and compassion.

Need support? Reach out to us at Salt & Light Advisors. We can assist you in smootlhy navigating layoffs.


Preserving morale during layoffs


Communicating Transparently & Compassionately in Terminations.